It’s the best way of producing a dog food that preserves the nutritional integrity of the ingredients, that’s what. Standard extruded kibble dog food is pressure steam cooked at very high temperatures (140 degrees Celsius!) and then baked to remove moisture, losing many of the nutrients, to the extent that flavourings and additives have to be sprayed onto the food post-production.
Cold Pressed dog food is made by taking great ingredients (individually cooked at lower tempertures for optimum nutrient retention), drying them, mixing them, and pressing under low temperatures (40-44 degrees Celsius) to get a naturally softer, more dense, complete nutrition dog food.
Absolutely! The lower temperatures are the key to locking in natural enzymes and vitamins, as well as retaining fibre and molecular structures.
This gives us much more scope to include vegetables and botanicals that might normally lose their nutritional benefits in a standard extruded kibble process.
The result is we have created a dog food that is by design and by its nature, gentle on tummies and great for joint care.
Processed using high pressure and temperatures of 140°C and above.
Standard extruded dog food is of low density and porous. It swells and expands in your dog’s tummy, takes a long time to break down, and can cause bloating.
Our cold pressed dog food is made by carefully mixing the finest ingredients together, before pressing them at low temperatures between 40°C – 44°C for a few seconds.
Our cold pressed dog food breaks down quicker and is easier to digest, so it can get to work powering your pooch onwards!
All these great ingredients and the 'low processing' technique gives us a quality food that has healthy digestion at its core.
And with healthy digestion we get a healthy happy pooch!